Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week 1 Meal Plan & Shopping List

The key to weight loss/maintaining is PORTION CONTROL!!! This is my number one thing I need to work on and my resolution this year is getting control down. I can make clean food every day, but if I eat 2500 calories, I am blowing my chances of losing weight! I am planning on paying more attention to my body when I eat in order to figure this out. It will take time.

Moving on! This week's meal plan is posted below. Recipes for each meal/entry are on their way. Have a wonderful week!!

Here is the shopping list below to make everything for the week. Don't get intimidated! A lot of ingredients are spices or oils you should already have in your kitchen. Buying a spice rack is an amazing investment! I LOVE mine!!

*Note: I make dinners for me and my husband. For 4 people, double the meats, and for 1 person, half the meats. The lunches are 5 day portions for one person. Double if making lunches for two. Yes, I eat the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch. It does not bother me!

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